3 Creating and setting up server-side programs

3.1 Creating a Ninf-G Executable

3.2 Setting up the Ninf-G Executable operating environment

3.3 Specifications for the configuration file used by Ninf-G Executable

3.3.1 Structure of the configuration file

The Ninf-G Executable configuration file is a text file which contains the settings information that is required for operation of Ninf-G Executable.

An example of entries in the Ninf-G Executable configuration file is shown below.


attribute    value    # comment

attribute    value    # comment
attribute    value    # comment


The following description produces an error.

        #  No delimiter between attribute and attribute value

Attribute    Value    Attribute    Value
        # Multiple attributes on a line

        #  attribute value extend across more than one line

        #  No attribute value

tmp_dir /tmp
tmp_dir /var/tmp
        # Overlapping of the attribute values of an attribute
        #  that can not have multiple definitions

3.3.2 Attributes and attribute values

The attributes and their attribute value definitions are listed below.

tmp_dir                        Directory
loglevel                       [0-5]
loglevel_globusToolkit         [0-5]
loglevel_ninfgProtocol         [0-5]
loglevel_ninfgInternal         [0-5]
log_filePath                   File name
log_suffix                     Suffix
log_nFiles                     Number of files
log_maxFileSize                Number of bytes
log_overwriteDirectory         [true/false]
commLog_enable                 [true/false]
commLog_filePath               PathFile name
commLog_suffix                 Suffix
commLog_nFiles                 FilesNumber of files
commLog_maxFileSize            FileSizeNumber of bytes
commLog_overwriteDirectory     [true/false]
save_stdout                    File name
save_stderr                    File name
handling_signals               Signals ...
continue_on_error              [true/false]

The definable attributes and attribute values are listed below.

Attribute Attribute value Default value Multiple Explanation
tmp_dir For temporary files /tmp Not possible The directory in which temporary files are placed Directory
loglevel [0-5] 2 Not possible Overall log level
loglevel_globusToolkit [0-5] 2 Not possible Error generated by the Globus Toolkit API
loglevel_ninfgProtocol [0-5] 2 Not possible Error concerning the Ninf-G protocol
loglevel_ninfgInternal [0-5] 2 Not possible Internal Ninf-G error
log_filePath File name stderr Not possible Log file name
log_suffix Suffix Sequence number Not possible Log file suffix
log_nFiles Number of files 1 Not possible Number of log output files
log_maxFileSize Number of bytes 1M/unlimited Not possible Maximum number of bytes for log file
log_overwriteDirectory [true/false] False Not possible Over-write permission for log directory
commLog_enable [true/false] False Not possible Communication log output enabled/disabled
commLog_filePath File name stderr Not possible Communication log file name
commLog_suffix Suffix Sequence number Not possible Communication log file suffix
commLog_nFiles Number of files 1 Not possible Number of files for outputting communication log
commLog_maxFileSize Number of bytes 1M/unlimited Not possible Maximum number of bytes for communication log file
commLog_overwriteDirectory [true/false] False Not possible Over-write communication log directory enabled/disabled Permitted
save_stdout File name None Not possible Save stdout to file
save_stderr File name None Not possible Save stderr to file
handling_signals Signal names/numbers SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM Not possible Handling signals
continue_on_error [true/false] False Not possible continue computation if an error occurs

The meanings of the log level values are described below.

Value Meaning Explanation
0 Off Nothing is output.
1 Fatal A fatal error is output.
2 Error A nonfatal error is output.
3 Warning A warning error is output.
4 Information Guidance or other such information is output.
5 Debug Debugging information is output.

last update : $Date: 2008/03/28 06:23:30 $