Ninf: A Global Computing Infrastructure
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Mail: Ninf administration group c/o Satoshi Sekiguchi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Grid Technology Research Center, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8568 JAPAN |
Ninf Papers in English
The Proxy-based Design Pattern for Grid Middleware and its Application: Ninf-G5
Proc. HPC Asia 2009
, pp. 210-217
, 2009
Design and Implementation of Distributed Task Sequencing on GridRPC
Proc. of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
, 2006
Primary Study of A Task Farming API over The GridRPC Framework
Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region
, pp. 339-345
, 2005
Speed-up Techniques for Computation of Markov Chain Model to Find an Optimal Batting Order
Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region
, pp. 315-322
, 2005
Design and implementation of Flexible, Robust and Efficient Grid-enabled Hybrid QM/MD Simulation
Computational Methods in Science and Technology
, 2006
A Case Study in Running a Parallel Branch and Bound Application on the Grid
Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2005 Workshops)
, pp. 164-173
, 2005
The Design and implementation of a Fault-Tolerant RPC system: Ninf-C
Proceedings of HPC ASIA 2004
, pp. 9-18
, 2004
Relis-G: Remote Library Install System for Computational Grids
Proceedings of HPC ASIA 2004
, pp. 44-53
, 2004
Constructing Grid Applications using Standard Grid Middleware
Journal of Grid Computing, Vol. 1, No. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers
, pp. 117-131
, 2004
Parallelization of Phylogenetic Tree Inference using Grid Technologies
LSGrid 2004
, 2004
Design, implementation and performance evaluation of GridRPC programming middleware for a large-scale computational Grid
Proceeding of 5th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing.
, 2004
Ninf-G: A Reference Implementation of RPC-based Programming Middleware for Grid Computing
Journal of Grid Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1
, pp. 41-51
, 2003
Distributed Computing with Hierarchical Master-worker Paradigm for Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm
Proceedings oft the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003),
, pp. 156-163
, 2003
Ninf-G: a GridRPC system on the Globus toolkit
Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality, Ed. Fran Berman, Geoffrey Fox, Anthony J. G. Hey, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
, 2003
The Ninf Portal: An Automatic Generation Tool for the Grid Portals
Proceeding of Java Grande 2002
, pp. 1-7
, 2002
High-performance Parallel and Distributed Computing for the BMI Eigenvalue Problem
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2002)
, 2002
A Study of Deadline Scheduling for Client-Server Systems on the Computational Grid
Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-10)
, pp. 406-415
, 2001
High Performance Grid Computing for Optimization Problems
Proceedings of the New Trends in Optimization and Computational Algorithms
, pp. 83-84
, 2001
Design issues of Network Enabled Server Systems for the Grid
Grid Computing -- GRID 2000, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1971
, pp. 4-17
, 2001
Performance Issues in Client-Server Global Computing
International Workship on Global and Cluster Computing (WGCC'2000), Tsukuba (Japan)
, 2000
Performance Evaluation of a Firewall-compliant Globus-based Wide-area Cluster System
9th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2000)
, pp. 121-128
, 2000
Are Global Computing Systems Useful? - Comparison of Client-Server Global Computing Systems Ninf, NetSolve versus CORBA
Proc. of International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
, 2000
NetCFD: a Ninf CFD component for Global Computing, and its Java applet GUI
Proc. of HPC Asia 2000
, pp. 501-506
, 2000
Overview of a Performance Evaluation System for Global Computing Scheduling Algorithms
8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC8)
, pp. 97-104
, 1999
Resource Manager for Globus-based Wide-area Cluster Computing
1st IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing (IWCC'99)
, pp. 237-244
, 1999
Design and Implementations of Ninf: towards a Global Computing Infrastructure
Future Generation Computing Systems, Metacomputing Issue, Vol.15, Issues 5-6
, pp. 649-658
, 1999
A Performance Evaluation Model for Scheduling in Global Computing Systems
NASA Workshop on Performance-Engineered Information Systems
, 1998
A Performance Evaluation Model for Effective Job Scheduling in Global Computing Systems
7th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC7) (poster)
, pp. 352-353
, 1998
Ninf and PM: Communication Libraries for Global Computing and High-performance Cluster Computing
Future Generation Computing Systems vol. 13 (1997/98), No. 4-5
, pp. 349-359
, 1998
Ninf Global Computing System - Architecture, Features, and Performance
HPCN Workshop on Distributed Computing (Oral presentation)
, 1998
Utilizing the Metaserver Architecture in the Ninf Global Computing System
High-Performance Computing and Networking '98, LNCS 1401
, pp. 607-616
, 1998
Ninflet: a Migratable Parallel Objects Framework using Java
ACM 1998 Workshop on Java for High-Performance Network Computing
, pp. 151-159
, 1998
Multi-client LAN/WAN Performance Analysis of Ninf: a High-Performance Global Computing System
Supercomputing '97
, 1997
Preliminary Evaluation of Scheduling in Ninf: a Global Computing System
International Workshop on Innovative Architectures '97
, 1997
World-Wide Computing Infrastructure: Global and Local Partnership
IEEE The Second AIZU International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms/Architecture Synthesis
, pp. 17-21
, 1997
World-Wide Computing infrastructure: Global and Local Partnership (ワールドワイド計算基盤)
Parallel Application and Systems Symposium
, 1997
Ninf: A Network based Information Library for a Global World-Wide Computing Infrastracture
HPCN'97 (LNCS-1225)
, pp. 491-502
, 1997
NINF: The Network Information Library Toward a Globally High Performance Computing (広域分散計算を目指したネットワーク基盤NINF)
, 1997
-- Ninf -- : Network base information library for globally high performance computing
Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications (POOMA)
, 1996
Overview of GridRPC: A Remote Procedure Call API for Grid Computing
Grid Computing - Grid 2002, LNCS 2536, pp.274-278, November, 2002
Paper in pdf/
Slides(ppt) ]
The Ninf Portal: An Automatic Generation Tool for the Grid Portals
Proceeding of Java Grande 2002, pp.1--7, November, 2002.
Paper in pdf/
Slides(ppt) ]
Evaluating Web Services Based Implementations of GridRPC
Proceeding of HPDC11, July, 2002.
Paper in pdf/
Slides(ppt) ]
High-performance Parallel and Distributed Computing for the BMI Eigenvalue Problem
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2002), 2002.
Paper in pdf/
Slides(ppt) ]
High Performance Grid Computing for Optimization Problems
Proceedings of the New Trends in Optimization and Computational Algorithms, pp.83-84, 2001.
Paper in pdf/
Slides(ppt) ]
A Jini-based Computing Portal System
Proceeding of SC2001, Nov., 2001.
Paper in pdf/
Slides(ppt) ]
A Study of Deadline Scheduling for Client-Server Systems on the Computational Grid
Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-10), pp. 406-415, 2001.
Paper in pdf]
OmniRPC: a Grid RPC facility for Cluster and Global Computing in OpenMP
Proc. of WOMPAT 2001
Paper in pdf]
Design issues of Network Enabled Server Systems for the Grid
Grid Computing -- GRID 2000, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1971, pp.4-17
Paper in ps(gzip)/
Paper in pdf]
Performance Evaluation of a Firewall-compliant Globus-based Wide-area Cluster System
9th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2000),
pp.121-128, (2000).
Paper in ps(gzip)/
Paper in pdf]
Are Global Computing Systems Useful? - Comparison of Client-Server Global
Computing Systems Ninf, NetSolve versus CORBA
Proc. of International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
Paper in ps(gzip)/
Paper in pdf]
NetCFD: a Ninf CFD component for Global Computing, and its Java applet GUI
Proc. of HPC Asia 2000, pp. 501-506.
Paper in pdf]
Resource Manager for Globus-based Wide-area Cluster Computing
1st IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing (IWCC'99),
pp.237-244 (1999).
Paper in ps(gzip)/
Paper in pdf]
Overview of a Performance Evaluation System for Global Computing Scheduling Algorithms
8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC8), pp. 97-104, 1999, Aug.
Paper in ps(gzip)/
Paper in pdf]
Design and Implementations of Ninf: towards a Global Computing Infrastructure
Future Generation Computing Systems, Metacomputing Issue, Vol.15, Issues 5-6, pp.649-658, 1999
[Abstract/ Paper in ps(gzip)/ Paper in pdf]
A Performance Evaluation Model for Scheduling in Global Computing Systems
NASA Workshop on Performance-Engineered Information Systems
A Performance Evaluation Model for Effective Job Scheduling in Global Computing Systems
7th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC7)
[Paper in ps(compressed)/
Ninf Global Computing System - Architecture, Features, and Performance - (oral presentation)
HPCN Workshop on Distributed Computing
Utilizing the Metaserver Architecture in the Ninf Global Computing System
High-Performance Computing and Networking '98, LNCS 1401, pp.607-616.
Paper in ps (compressed)/Slides(ppt)]
Ninflet: a Migratable Parallel Objects Framework using Java
ACM 1998 Workshop on Java for High-Performance Network Computing, pp.151-159 (1998)
[Abstract/Paper in ps (compressed)]
Ninf and PM: Communication Libraries for Global Computing and High-performance Cluster Computing
FGCS vol. 13 (1997/98), No. 4-5, March 1998. pp. 349-359
[Abstract/Paper(in ps) / Paper(in ps(compressed))]
Preliminary Evaluation of Scheduling in Ninf: a Global Computing System
International Workshop on Innovative Architectures '97, 1997
[Abstract /Paper(in ps)]
Multi-client LAN/WAN Performance Analysis of Ninf: a High-Performance Global Computing System.
Supercomputing '97, 1997.
[Abstract/Paper(in ps)/
Paper(in HTML)/Slides]
Ninf: A Network based Information Library for a Global World-Wide Computing Infrastracture
HPCN'97 (LNCS-1225), pp. 491-502", 1997"
[Abstract/Paper(in ps, compressed)/Paper in pdf]
World-Wide Computing Infrastructure: Global and Local Partnership
IEEE The Second AIZU International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms/Architecture Synthesis,
March 17-21, 1997, Fukushima Japan
[Abstract/Paper(in ps)]