module_name ;
CompileOptions "
.... ";
FortranFormat "
This statement provides translation format. It is similar to the printf format string. You can use following two special characters in the string.
: original function name
: capitalized original function name For example, consider to put under score before and after the function name.
FortranFormat "_%s_";With this statement,
Calls "Fortran" FFT(n,x,y);will generate function call in C,
_FFT_(n, x, y)
Library "
Globals {
... C descriptions ... }
ninf-name (
paramter1, paramter2,
.... )
C descriptions }
| Calls
function-name (
arg1,arg2, ... );
}For 'lang-spec', you specify the language you implement your numerical library. Currently, you can use 'fortran' of 'C'. 'C' is default. Using this information, the stub generator changes function call sequence. For fortran libraries, the format string specified in FortranFormat statement will be used.
Each parameter must follow the following syntax.
dimension [
range] ]
]+ For 'mode-spec', you specify input/output mode: IN, OUT, INOUT, WORK. 'IN' means that the parameter will be transferred from client to server. 'OUT' means the opposite. 'INOUT' means that the parameter will be transferred from client to server firstly, and after the calculation, it will go back to the client. Parameter marked as 'WORK' will not be transferred. Specified memory area will be just allocated on the server side. You can not use 'OUT' for scalar types.
For arrays, you can specify, size, upper-limit, lower-limit, stride. These can be omitted, except for size. For these values, you can use some expressions.
Expression can include constants, other IN-moded scalar parameter in the function definition, and some operators. We provide just 5 operators: +,-,*,/,%. Priority among these operators is same as ANSI C. You can also use parentheses in expressions.
/* program toplevel */ program: /* empty */ | declaration_list ; declaration_list: declaration | declaration_list declaration ; declaration: ``Module'' IDENTIFIER ';' | ``FortranFormat'' STRING ';' | ``CompileOptions'' STRING ';' | ``Globals'' globals_body | ``Define'' interface_definition opt_string required interface_body ; interface_definition: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_list ')' ; parameter_list: parameter | parameter_list ',' parameter ; parameter: decl_specifier declarator ; decl_specifier: type_specifier | MODE | MODE type_specifier | type_specifier MODE | type_specifier MODE type_specifier ; type_specifier: TYPE | TYPE TYPE | TYPE TYPE TYPE /* ex. unsigned long int */ ; declarator: IDENTIFIER | '(' declarator ')' | declarator '['expr_or_null ']' | declarator '['expr ':' range_exprs ']' | '*' declarator ; range_exprs: expr /* upper limit */ | expr ',' expr /* lower limit and upper limit */ | expr ',' expr ',' expr /* lower, upper and step */ opt_string: /* empty */ | STRING ; language_spec: /* empty */ | ``fortran'' | ``C'' ; required: /* empty */ | ``Required'' STRING ; interface_body: '{' /* C statements */ '}' | ``Calls'' opt_string IDENTIFIER '(' id_list ')' ';' ; globals_body: '{'/* C statements */ '}' ; id_list: IDENTIFIER | id_list ',' IDENTIFIER ; /* index description */ expr_or_null: expr | /* null */ ; expr: unary_expr | expr '/' expr | expr '%' expr | expr '+' expr | expr '-' expr | expr '*' expr ; unary_expr: primary_expr | '*' expr | '-' expr ; primary_expr: primary_expr '[' expr ']' | IDENTIFIER | CONSTANT | '(' expr ')' ; /* TYPE = int, unsigned, char, short, long, long float, double */ /* MODE = mode_in, mode_out, mode_inout, mode_work, IN, OUT, INOUT, WORK*/ /* IDENTIFIER = name */ /* CONSTANT = integer literals Afloating point literals */ /* STRING = "..." */
Module sample; Library "-lm"; Globals { int x,y,z; } Define sin(IN double d, OUT double result[]) " This is test ..." { double sin(); *result = sin(d); } Define mmul(long mode_in int n, mode_in double A[n][n], mode_in double B[n][n], mode_out double C[n][n]) Required "sample.o" Calls "C" mmul(n,A,B,C); Define mmul2(long mode_in int n, mode_in double A[n*n+1-1], mode_in double B[n*n+2-3+1], mode_out double C[n*n]) Required "sample.o" Calls "C" mmul(n,A,B,C); Define FFT(IN int n,IN int m, OUT float x[n][m], float INOUT y[m][n]) Required "sample.o" Calls "Fortran" FFT(n,x,y);
# This file 'pi.mak' was created by ns_gen. Don't edit CC = cc include $(NS_DIR)/lib/template # CompileOptions: # Just a hack for compatibility # Define NS_COMPILER & NS_LINKER as $(CC) if it is not defined. # Sorry, it may be necessary to edit this part by hand NS_COMPILER = $(CC) NS_LINKER = $(CC) # stub sources NS_STUB_SRC = _stub_pi_trial.c # stub programs NS_STUB_PROGRAM = _stub_pi_trial # stub inf files NS_INF_FILES = _stub_pi_trial.inf # LDAP dif file LDAP_DIF = root.ldif all: $(NS_STUB_PROGRAM) $(NS_INF_FILES) $(LDAP_DIF) _stub_pi_trial.o: _stub_pi_trial.c $(NS_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(NS_CFLAGS) -c _stub_pi_trial.c _stub_pi_trial: _stub_pi_trial.o pi_trial.o $(NS_LINKER) $(CFLAGS) -o _stub_pi_trial _stub_pi_trial.o $(LDFLAGS) $(NS_STUB_LDFLAGS) pi_trial.o $(LIBS) _inf_pi_trial: _inf_pi_trial.c $(NS_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(NS_CFLAGS) -o _inf_pi_trial _inf_pi_trial.c $(NS_STUB_LDFLAGS) _stub_pi_trial.inf: _inf_pi_trial ./_inf_pi_trial _stub_pi_trial.inf $(LDAP_DIF): $(NS_INF_FILES) $(NS_DIR)/bin/ns_gen_dif $(NS_STUB_PROGRAM) install: $(LDAP_DIF) $(INSTALL) *.ldif $(LDIF_INSTALL_DIR) clean: rm -f _stub_pi_trial.o _stub_pi_trial.c rm -f _inf_pi_trial.c _inf_pi_trial veryclean: clean rm -f $(NS_STUB_PROGRAM) $(NS_INF_FILES) $(LDAP_DIF) rm -f pi_trial.o # END OF Makefile
/*============================================================================= Module :ns_gen Filename :_stub_pi_trial.c RCS : $Source: $Revision: $Author: $Data:Wed Feb 27 16:09:22 2002 $Locker: $state: =============================================================================*/ #include "nsstb_stub_lib.h" /* DESCRIPTION: monte carlo pi computation */ static char stub_description[] = "monte carlo pi computation"; struct nslib_expression size20[] = { { { {VALUE_CONST, 1} ,{VALUE_END_OF_OP, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , } } }; struct nslib_expression start20[] = { { { {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , } } }; struct nslib_expression end20[] = { { { {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , } } }; struct nslib_expression step20[] = { { { {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , } } }; struct nslib_param_subscript dims2[] = { { size20, start20, end20, step20 }, }; struct nslib_func_param params[] = { { DT_INT, MODE_IN, 0, NULL, NULL }, { DT_LONG, MODE_IN, 0, NULL, NULL }, { DT_LONG, MODE_OUT, 1, dims2, NULL }, }; nslib_func_info_t nslib_func_info = { 221, { "pi", "pi_trial" }, 3, params, { { { {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , {VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} ,{VALUE_NONE, 0} , } }, (nslib_backend_t)0, /* backend */ (ns_bool)0, /* ns_bool: specify server side shrink */ stub_description, 0 /* information type :fortran or c */ } }; /* Globals */ /* Callback proxy */ /* Stub Main program */ main(int argc, char ** argv){ int seed; long times; long *count; int tmp; nsstb_INIT(argc,argv); while(1){ tmp = nsstb_REQ(); if (!tmp){ break; } nsstb_SET_ARG(&seed,0); nsstb_SET_ARG(×,1); nsstb_SET_ARG(&count,2); nsstb_BEGIN(); { long counter; counter = pi_trial(seed, times); *count = counter; } tmp = nsstb_END(); if (!tmp) break; } nsstb_EXIT(); } /* */