ng_gen - ng_gen - Ninf-G stub generator


ng_gen [-d] [-g] [-h] inputfile


The ng_gen command interprets the Ninf-G IDL file and generates what is needed to create an Ninf-G Executable . The Ninf-G IDL is specified by the argument.

The ng_gen command executes cpp to process the Ninf-G IDL file.
If unsupported option strings(beginning with '-') are passed to ng_gen command, it handles them as options to cpp.

The ng_gen command generates the following items.

- Ninf-G stub
- Makefile for the Ninf-G Executable
- LDIF file
- Local LDIF file


Dump information about function.
Produce makefile in gnu make style.
Print usage.
Do not use cpp.
Use the specified cpp instead of the default cpp.


If the input Ninf-G IDL is incorrect, an error message is output and the process ends abnormally.
last update : $Date: 2006/02/17 04:21:01 $