ng_gen - ng_gen - Ninf-G stub generator


ng_gen [-d] [--no-cpp] [--with-cpp=cpp_command] inputfile


The ng_gen command interprets the Ninf-G IDL file and generates what is needed to create an Ninf-G Executable. The Ninf-G IDL is specified by the argument.

The ng_gen command executes cpp to process the Ninf-G IDL file. If unsupported option strings(beginning with '-') are passed to ng_gen command, it handles them as options to cpp.

The ng_gen command generates the following items.


Dump information about function.
Print usage.
Do not use cpp.
Use the specified cpp instead of the default cpp.


If the input Ninf-G IDL is incorrect, an error message is output and the process ends abnormally.
last update : $Date: 2008-11-11 18:22:06 +0900 (火, 11 11月 2008) $