Ninf Client Package


This package provides This package currently supports six architectures. However, our programs are written in a portable way, so it will be very easy to port them.

Ninf Usage

1. Make Ninf Package

First of all, uncompress and untar the package. In the top directory of this package, type:
ARCHITECTURE_TYPE must be one of the following architectures: sunos, solaris, j90, linux, alpha and AIX. The MAKE script makes a directory with the architecture name, and links source files in the directory, and then executes 'make'. This script will make two directories, 'lib' and 'include'. You can install them by typing,
    >(cd ARCHITECTURE_TYPE; ./MAKE install-client)
If you want to make Ninf for different architecture, simply try ./MAKE ANOTHER_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE. To clean up the diretory, type

2. How to 'Make' Ninf Client Programs

2.1 Set environment variable 'NINF_DIR'

Set NINF_DIR environment variable to point to the 'ninfClient/ARCHITECTURE_TYPE' directory or installed directory. For example, if you installed the ninf client package to the /usr/local/ninf/ directory,
  setenv NINF_DIR /usr/local/ninf

2.2 Write your Makefile

Write the following line on top of your Makefile.
include $(NINF_DIR)/template
The 'template' file provides macros 'NINF_CFLAGS' and 'NINF_LDFLAGS'. These are needed to link Ninf Libraries. Typical rule for ninf client program is like this.
test: test.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NINF_CFLAGS) -o test test.c $(LDFLAGS) $(NINF_LDFLAGS)
In clientTest/ directory , there are some sample programs which can make access our server at ETL, Japan, directly. Please refer the document.

Included Documents

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