Ninf: A Global Computing Infrastructure
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Mail: Ninf administration group c/o Satoshi Sekiguchi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Grid Technology Research Center, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8568 JAPAN |
Download Ninf-G Ver. 5.1.0
About Ninf-G 5.1.0
Ninf-G Version 5.1.0 (Ninf-G5) is a new version of Ninf-G which is a
reference implementation of the GridRPC API.
Here are some of the new features of Ninf-G 5.1.0:
Ninf-G 5.1.0 is compatible with Ninf-G 5.0.0,which is NOT compatible with Ninf-G4. Due to protocol changes, Ninf-G4 client cannot communicate with Ninf-G5 executables and vice versa.
Download Packages of Ninf-G Ver. 5.1.0
If you download Ninf-G, please subscribe to Ninf users' mailing list (ninf-users@apgrid.org) so that you can receive the latest information from the Ninf team. The mailing list will be used for announcements of bug fixes and release of new versions as well as for information exchange between users.
Download Ninf-G Ver. 5.0.0
About Ninf-G 5.0.0
Ninf-G Version 5.0.0 (Ninf-G5) is a new version of Ninf-G which is a
reference implementation of the GridRPC API.
Major functions of Ninf-G include (1) remote process invocation, (2) information services, and (3) communication between Ninf-G Client and Servers. Ninf-G4 is able to utilize various middleware for remote process invocation, however Ninf-G4 utilize the Globus Toolkit for information services and communication between Ninf-G Client and Servers. On the other hand, Ninf-G5 does not assume specific Grid middleware as prerequisites, that is, unlike the past versions of Ninf-G (e.g. Ninf-G2, Ninf-G4), Ninf-G5 works in non Globus Toolkit environments. Ninf-G5 is able to utilize various middleware not only for remote process invocation but also for information services and communication between Ninf-G Client and Servers. Ninf-G5 is appropriate for a single system as well as non-Globus Grid environments. It is expected to provide high performance for task parallel applications from a single system to Grid. Here are compatibility issues between Ninf-G5 and Ninf-G4. The GridRPC API and Ninf-G API implemented by Ninf-G5 is compatible with Ninf-G4 except the two small issues (details are described in CHANGES file). Ninf-G Client configuration file for Ninf-G4 is not compatible with Ninf-G5. Due to protocol changes, Ninf-G4 client cannot communicate with Ninf-G5 executables and vice versa.
Download Packages of Ninf-G Ver. 5.0.0
If you download Ninf-G, please subscribe to Ninf users' mailing list (ninf-users@apgrid.org) so that you can receive the latest information from the Ninf team. The mailing list will be used for announcements of bug fixes and release of new versions as well as for information exchange between users.