Ninf: A Global Computing Infrastructure
Ninf administration group
c/o Satoshi Sekiguchi

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
Grid Technology Research Center,
1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
305-8568 JAPAN
Download Ninf-G
The Ninf Project provides two versions of Ninf-G, Ninf-G Version 5 (Ninf-G5) and Ninf-G Version 4 (Ninf-G4). Ninf-G5 is the latest and recommended version. Ninf-G5 is capable of making RPCs through various way (e.g. GT GRAM, Condor, ssh) according to the availability on the infrastructure. Globus Toolkit is still supported, but no longer a mandatory middleware. Ninf-G5 is also appropriate for non Grid environment. Ninf-G4 has been used as a recommended version and still a supported version which is appropriate for users who use Ninf-G4 for Grid environments with the Globus Toolkit.