Bricks: A Performance Evaluation System for Grid Computing Scheduling Algorithms


Atsuko Takefusa, Ph. D.
Grid Technology Research Center
National Institute of AIST
Akihabara Dai Bldg ,
1-18-13 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 101-0021, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5298-4724
Fax: 81-3-5298-4502
E-mail: takefusa ( at )

Overview of The Bricks System

1. Introduction
2. Overview of the Bricks System
3. The Bricks Architecture
3.1. Global Computing Environment Simulation Part
3.1.1. Task Model
3.1.2. Communication Model
3.1.3. Server Model
3.2. Scheduling Unit
3.3. Overview of Global Computing Simulation with Bricks
4. Incorporating Existing Global Computing Components
4.1. SPI (Service Provider Interface)
4.2. Incorporating The NWS System
5. Bricks Experiments
5.1. Experiment Procedure
5.2. Experimental Results
6. Related Work
7. Conclusions and Future Work